Kansas residents have access to thousands of free digital books! The sources in the first thwo sections below require a Kansas Library eCard – drop by the library to sign up, and start reading or listening!

Which ones are compatible with your device?
Getting started – information for first-time users

Books from the last section are free to everyone.

eBooks & Audio
CloudCloud LibraryNow includes audiobooks! Fiction & nonfiction for all ages
Enki Enki Library – Wide variety, includes self-published
FreadingFreading – Fiction & nonfiction for all ages
ComicsPlus-AllComics Plus – Comics, graphic novels & manga for kids through adults

First, create an account: Log in using your Kansas Library eCard, then click the Sign Up Here button.

Just for Kids
Britannica EStaxBritannica E-stax – Nonfiction and activities for kids
BookFlixBookFlix – Paired storybook and nonfiction. Click to play online now!
ComicsPlus-AllComics Plus Kids – Comics, graphic novels & manga for kids ages 5 – 14

First, create an account: Log in using your Kansas Library eCard, then click the Sign Up Here button.

Free to Everyone, Anywhere (Kansas Library eCard not required)
FREE GutenbergProject Gutenberg – Classic literature
LibrivoxLibriVox – Classic literature on audio, read by volunteers
FREE UniteUnite for Literacy – Picture ebooks with audio